Info you’re dying to know…

I’m interested, so now what?

The first step is booking a free consultation with yours truly, Mary Beth. On this phone call I will help you discover what it is that is most important to you, what it is that you want to see as a result of these photographs and how this experience can transform your relationships with yourself and others. Additionally on this call I will give you specific self-guided work that will help you discover the best version of yourself and allow that version to be photographed on your big day!


Preparing for your experience 

Congrats! You’ve taken the first huge step of booking a date and putting your deposit down - now it’s real! Prior to the shoot I will send you information on what’s best to wear, how to prepare and what to expect on that day. We will also discuss what your personal comfort level is for the photos. Your comfort is my #1 priority and when you are comfortable you are confident! Also remember that you always have the ability to change your mind about what you want or don’t want to do the day of your shoot.

Hair, makeup and the shoot

On the day of the shoot, our hair and makeup stylist will be here (if you opt-in for her) upon your arrival. We will walk you through your options and work with you to create your ideal look. This normally takes around an hour and in that time you can sit back and relax while you sip on champagne. 

The shoot itself generally takes around an hour although there are no limits. First we will go through all the options for outfits you brought and I will choose what I know will photograph best. Once we pick your wardrobe I will walk you through each and every pose giving you specific instructions for your personality and body type. Be prepared to laugh at my very corny jokes and to have tiny French Bulldogs watching the whole thing unfold. My dogs Pixel and Kiki Dee are the Capture mascots and enjoy being part of the experience as well. If you’ve opted in for the bathtub experience, we will end the shoot with that!

Your Ordering Session

The BEST part of the day is after your shoot, I’ll have you go grab lunch and upon your return all the best photographs from your shoot will be presented to you in a cinematic presentation. It’s here where you’ll get to pick your favorite photographs and together we will create custom artwork for your home. Your Ordering Session allows you to purchase your artwork the day of your shoot - you’re not going to wait weeks to see your photographs. I will help guide you to the artwork that will give you the daily reminder of your confidence, your happiness and your self-empowerment - talk about an experience!